Understanding the Peer Review Process
The process by which the Technical Papers Committee performs the peer review and editorial amendment of submitted synopses and complete papers has been arrived at over many years of refinement.
Technical Paper publication is the means by which new work is communicated and peer review is an important part of this process. Peer review is a vital part of the quality control mechanism that is used to determine what is presented/published, and what is not.
View All Stages
Stage 1 – Synopsis submission
- Call for Papers Opens (Jan)
- Call for Papers deadline – Synopses submitted (Feb)
- Synopses Committee Peer Review Meeting (March)
Stage 2 – Outcome of Stage 1
- Outcome of synopses communicated to authors (March)
- Successful stage 1 authors invited to write a technical paper for further peer review for verbal presentation at the IBC conference (speaker slot) (March)
- Unsuccessful stage 1 authors, where possible, offered an alternative route at IBC; details added to speaker database and sponsorship opportunities (March)
Stage 3 – Full Paper submission
- Paper authors submit a technical paper for review (May)
- Technical Paper Committee Peer Review Meeting (June)
Stage 4 – Outcome of Stage 3
- Outcome of technical paper communicated to authors (June)
- Successful Stage 3 authors with straight paper accept are invited to present verbally at the IBC Conference and/or have their paper published on IBC365 (June)
- Successful Stage 3 authors with a paper accepted with changes are requested to make the necessary improvements to their paper and resubmit (June-July) Authors are informed of their outcome and are invited to speak at IBC Conference and/or have their paper published in the Conference Proceedings.
- Unsuccessful Stage 3 authors informed their paper has not been accepted, and where possible, offered an alternative route at IBC (June)
Stage 5 – Presentation at IBC
- Successful authors that been invited to present their technical paper at IBC are guided through the process and format of speaking slot (July)
- IBC2025 Conference (Sept)