CE Stages Panel Speaker Nomination

Tell us about the insights into market trends and requirements, enabling technologies, consumer behaviours or business models that your speaker will be able to share. Max 100 words.
IBC is committed to fully reflecting the diversity of the industry across the show. Consider whether your company can stand-out by putting forward a speaker from a demographic that is usually under-represented at conferences.
Max 75 words. If selected, this text will be used to promote your speaker on the IBC website
In a maximum of 50 words, describe your company’s position in the broadcast and media content supply chain, highlighting your key areas of business and expertise
NB: partners must also be Content Everywhere exhibitors. Any joint session will still be subject to oversight from IBC. All participants will be required to accept IBC Media Release terms and conditions.
Media release agreement

Your application will be subject to the speaker completing a Media Release Form to cover the use of the video recording. The terms and conditions of the Media release form can be seen here.


To ensure you get the most publicity from your session, please send your company logo, and a portrait photo of your speaker to us as soon as possible. Please provide the images in a jpeg or png format.

Please email these to cestage@ibc.org.

For any questions please email cestage@ibc.org

Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how and for what purpose IBC use information provided by you through IBC's website.