Rosie Pongracz

Rosie Pongracz

Rosie Pongracz

Chief Marketing Officer, Storj
Rosie is an engineer by training, a builder by nature, a full stack technical marketer by practice. She has 20+ years experience bringing all things platform to market, including platforms for cloud, data, machine learning, identity of things, mobile. She has launched over 50 products and companies, led marketing teams through successful acquisitions and mature growth at early stage venture funded, open-source, and public companies such as Salesforce, IBM, VMware (Thinstall), Intel (Dialogic), Embarcadero (Idera), Carl Zeiss, CollabNet. She was a winner of the first Google Android Challenge and is on the board of NumFOCUS, a nonprofit that supports open source projects for scientific computing. Rosie is passionate about STEM education, diversity in tech, and animal welfare; she is a private pilot, underwater photographer, and sci-fi junkie.