Morton Brandstup
Storyteller with a passion for technology, innovating ways to tell news story live. This have always been my drive and passion, to make it possible to tell story live.
Keynote speaker, organizer, and board member in serval international organizations; World Broadcast Union International Media Connectivity Group (WBU-IMCG), EBU Technology Future Newsroom.
Since back in 1989 worked with nearly all aspect of live TV production; SNG operator, Director, reporter, cameraman, editor, sound engineer, field producer.
In the past I have worked all over the world with live TV production; 10 years of the Tour de France, Le Mans, World cup and European football, handball, and Olympics. On event like Royal jubilee and weddings, election around Europe, American elections, inauguration of Obama, elections in Afghanistan, Eurovision Song Contest in Tallinn, and Riga for BBC and many more.