Giulio Stante

Giulio Stante

Giulio Stante

R&D Engineer, RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
Giulio Stante received his master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Parma in December 2015. From 2016 to 2018 he worked as a Network Engineering Specialist for an Italian Internet Service Provider. His main activities were project management and network solution design. Since September 2018, he joined RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana Research Centre. Initially, his main research topic was Live TV production over IP, with a particular focus on the standard ST2110 and remote production. His main activities were related to the design and implementation of an IP-based laboratory testbed for the study and analysis of the compliancy of audio/video equipment with the ST2110 standard and the NMOS specification. Today he is currently engaged in the study of private 5G mobile networks to support TV production, through the research of new experimental use cases and the feasibility analysis of the technical solutions.