Emma Young

Emma Young

Emma Young

R&D Development Producer, BBC

Dr Emma Young designs and produces new media experiences and audience trials, to inform BBC technology innovation and future content strategies. With extensive experience in Production and Technical Consultancy, and a Doctorate in Digital Innovation, she has a deep understanding of emerging technologies and their media applications. She specialises in Immersive Media (XR, VR, AR and Spatial Audio) and AI. Her current work focusses on AI for media personalisation (AI4ME - IBC Stand 14.AIB14 – AI Tech Zone); and live XR music experiences (MAX-R and BBC Radio 1’s New Music Portal). Emma speaks at a wide range of events in academia and industry; is a member of the Steering Committee for the Audio Mostly conference; and sits on the Industry Advisory Board at Lancaster University. Passionate about Diversity and Inclusion, Emma recently completed her 2-year tenure as Chair of the Board for the ‘BBC Women in STEM’ (WiSTEM) staff network.
