Carlo Lisa

Carlo Lisa

Carlo Lisa

Senior Director, Technology Strategy, Sport Innovation, Deltatre

Carlo Lisa has been working in the Media industry for over 30 years, with strong international experience in the world of sport, broadcast, and digital media. For many years, he focused on the convergence between classical IT and broadcast technologies, turning his focus over time to the modern, multi-platform digital broadcasting market. Carlo has a wealth of experience in the world of sport events, managing information systems and digital and broadcast solutions for top events like the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Champions League, UEFA EURO, World Athletics Events, Formula One, and more.

Carlo’s extensive experience includes managing software projects, developing one of the first multi-language TV Graphics systems; building special mobile units, pioneering outside digital broadcasting; being responsible for large and complex integration projects (UEFA Video Service Streaming Farm, Sole 24Ore Television, FIFA World Cup Unilateral Services, etc.); and filling leadership roles in Technology Strategy, Business Development and Strategic Partnerships. He always keeps his eye on innovative products and solutions to anticipate what’s next in the market.

An industry expert who takes a multi-cultural approach, Carlo thrives on his ability to listen and pay attention to details, always combining his strong technology background with a business-oriented perspective.
