Benjamin Bross
Head of Video Coding Systems,
Fraunhofer HHI
Benjamin Bross (Fraunhofer HHI) received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, in 2008. In 2009, he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications – Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany, where he is currently heading the Video Coding Systems group at the Video Communication & Applications Department and in 2011, he became a part-time lecturer at the HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Since 2010, Benjamin is very actively involved in the ITU-T VCEG | ISO/IEC MPEG video coding standardisation processes as a technical contributor and chief editor of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard and the new Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard. In addition to his involvement in standardisation, his group is developing standard-compliant software implementations. This includes the development of an HEVC live software encoder that is currently deployed in broadcast for HD and UHD TV channels and most recently, the open and optimized VVC software implementations VVenC and VVdeC.
16-Sep-2023IBC Technical PapersAdvances in video coding and processing
Conference Pass HoldersE102