Alexandre Rouxel

Alexandre Rouxel

Alexandre Rouxel

Sr Project Manager - Data and AI, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Alexandre Rouxel is a Senior Project Manager at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in the Technology and Innovation (T&I) department, where he coordinates collaborative developments on AI and metadata with EBU Members, i.e., European public broadcasters.

Within the T&I department, Alexandre leads the development of AI algorithms focused on media content analysis, tagging, and enrichment and manages the EBU AI HUB, an innovative platform designed to support the development and evaluation of tailored AI solutions for the media industry. In his role at the EBU, Alexandre teaches data science to public service media professionals through the EBU Academy and supervises master's theses in collaboration with universities, maintaining a strong link with research.

Alexandre is actively involved in international projects and standards. He contributes to the SMPTE task force focusing on AI and metadata for media and serves as the task leader for the specification of the metadata model for the European Media Data Space (TEMS). He also contributes to the design of machine learning models for targeted audience analysis in the EU project veraAI.

Prior to joining the EBU, Alexandre accumulated 18 years of experience with Nasdaq-listed companies as an algorithm and systems engineer. In this role, he designed efficient algorithms with minimal complexity, transforming research results into established products and standards in the field of communication systems. Alexandre holds a Master's degree in Signal Processing from the University of Rennes 1 and a Master's degree in Data Science from Telecom ParisTech. He has authored and co-authored several scientific papers and is the inventor or co-inventor of 12 issued patents.
