Alessandro Capitani

Alessandro Capitani

Alessandro Capitani

Senior Marketing Consultant, Video Progetti Srl

Alessandro has built a solid career in the media industry spanning more than 40 years.

He joined Videotime (now Mediaset Group) in 1984 coordinating large scale editing and

post production facilities. After 15 years he joined Disney to launch and then manage

broadcast operations for the Italian Disney branded channels in an endeavor that lasted

more than 24 years.

During his tenure in these large media companies, he successfully managed quantum leap industry transitions such as linear to non-linear editing, tape to tapeless operations and the implementation of world-class playout facilities, among others.

With a keen interest in staying at the forefront of technological advancements and using

always a creative approach, he joined the Video Progetti team as a Senior Marketing

Consultant to develop strategic marketing plans and activities focused on results.
