Revolutionary AI Dubbing solution for record studios and translation agencies


Revolutionary AI Dubbing solution for record studios and translation agencies

13 Sep 2024
IBC Content Everywhere Stage 1 (Hall 5, 5.A28)
IBC Content Everywhere

We at Dubformer will introduce a unique AI Dubbing solution for professional and non-professional dubbing and record studios, voice talent, translators, and adapters. Based on the project requirements, Dubformer provides: dubbing, voice-over, or audio description script recording, retakes, using a different voice actor for a role, dubbing multiple characters with one voice, creating an AI voice for an actor, and other services. Collaborations can include: - An end-to-end solution with AI Dubbing and localization made by Dubformer with human quality control - AI Tools for independent use - AI Academy for voice and creative industry professionals to grow skills and secure new careers