EDCF Annual Update Seminar


EDCF Annual Update Seminar

15 Sep 2024
IBC Owner & Partners Programme

"The European Digital Cinema Forum (EDCF) is once again hosting its long standing and much anticipated EDCF Global Cinema Seminar at IBC.
Cinemas are constantly changing and the industry is investing in high-end technologies to enhance the moviegoing experience, such as for premium large format, events and entertainment.The seminar will address the key issues facing the industry in 2024 and beyond. Here is a preliminary list of topics.

  1. Cinema business market update (David Hancock)
  2. Review on EDCF problem solving round table
  3. Artificial Intelligence forum, featuring the following subjects
    o AI in Media & Entertainment
    o AI in postproduction
    o Use of AI in cinema program planning
  4. HDR - Q&A panel
  5. HDR - Laser and Postproduction
  6. Cinema Streaming Technology update"
Bas van Heek - Barco
Cathy Huis in 't veld-Esser, President - EDCF
David Hancock, Chief Analyst - Omdia
Jan van Osselaer - Gofilex
Oliver Pasch, Vice President, Sales & Business Development, Western Europe - Barco
Radoslav Markov, Researcher - Bulgarian Academy of Science
Richard Welsh, SVP Innovation - Deluxe