Panel: Cloud strategies and the latest CE cloud use cases


Panel: Cloud strategies and the latest CE cloud use cases

15 Sep 2024
IBC Content Everywhere Stage 1 (Hall 5, 5.A28)
IBC Content Everywhere

The cloud continues to revolutionise the media and entertainment industry. Functions and workflows have been transformed to be delivered as software, often as outsourced managed services, rather than dedicated hardware. Benefits have been accrued in efficiency, flexibility and scalability. Cloud environments are also the natural home for developing and deploying a new wave of AI-assisted functionality. This session will explore the latest developments in the use of the cloud in M&E, the relative merits of cloud and hybrid cloud approaches, the potential impact of AI and the extension of the cloud to new areas such as play-out.

Stan Moote, CTO - IABM
Jean-Christophe Perier, CMO - Globecast
João Tavares, Product Manager - VELOCIX
Martins Magone, Chief Technical Officer - VESET