Changing the Game: Predictive Generative AI


Changing the Game: Predictive Generative AI

14 Sep 2024
IBC AI Tech Zone (Hall 14, 14.AIA01)

Check out this exclusive IBC Accelerator preview session for a sneak peek into their R&D proof-of-concept which explored how AI can influence predictive video workflows in sports production, potentially enhance an athlete’s performance and connect with a fan’s engagement through interactive personalisation. Hear how their POC created and tested LLMs and tailored datasets to predict the next frames and moves of actual football matches from Supersport Schools, and also looked at what opportunities can be developed for the newer, content-hungry sports with digital-first fans, like Freestyle Football.

Muki Kulhan, Innovation Co-Lead - IBC
Dan Wood, CEO & Co-Founder - World Football Freestyle Association
Geetanjali Dogra Mehta, Events & Content Manager - Magnifi