ADVisor – leveraging Video AI to improve operational efficiency, content discovery, content monetization and audience experience


ADVisor – leveraging Video AI to improve operational efficiency, content discovery, content monetization and audience experience

13 Sep 2024
IBC Content Everywhere Stage 2 (Hall 14, 14.C12)
IBC Content Everywhere

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Media sector AI has brought significant changes, not only for content generation but also in transforming the whole content supply chain, as proved by ADVisor, the innovative AI-powered solution that simplify typical video management processes of a broadcaster. Join us at this product demonstration speech, to discover the full potential of ADVisor for: 1) automatically identifying suitable points within videos for inserting advertising breaks; 2) automatically understanding of content, topics and mood within video frames to match with advertisements with suitable content; 3) automatically generating of metadata to properly identify, describe and categorize video.

Alberto Niero, General Manager Global BU Media - Fincons Group
Simone Murgia, Head of Technology Transformation - Mediaset