

Vidispine - an Arvato Systems Brand Hall: Hall 7 Stand: 7.A15

The Renderless Revolution: Vidispine's Web Render Engine
Vidispine's Web Render Engine (WRE) revolutionizes news production by allowing content to be stored and managed efficiently without creating new files for every sequence, thus removing the need for rendering processes. While most modern MAM systems store sequences, edits, etc. purely as metadata, they still require the content to be rendered before
the final review, approval, and layout. With the WRE, this final render stage is not required.

Vidispine, an Arvato Systems brand and leading provider of media management solutions, today announced the launch of a new 'Web Render Engine' (WRE), a groundbreaking technology that eliminates the need to render video, taking news production efficiency to a new level.      
The challenge

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of news production, every second counts. Breaking news and emerging events require fast turnaround to keep audiences informed and engaged.  
Rendering times in non-linear editing systems (NLEs) can significantly hinder modern news production workflows. Journalists and editors often need to make quick edits, such as cutting clips, adding transitions or adjusting audio levels. These edits usually require rendering to create a final result that can be broadcast. Delays caused by long rendering times can lead to missing crucial news cycles and hinder team collaboration.  

The "Renderless Revolution"
With Vidispine's Web Render Engine (WER), content can be efficiently stored and edited without the need to render or move individual sequences. This technology allows multiple editors to work on the same content simultaneously, from anywhere. The immediate availability of edited sequences without rendering significantly speeds up the entire production process.  
The introduction of the Web Render Engine enables a faster production process and immediate availability of content without the need for time-consuming rendering steps. The technology also facilitates efficient collaboration between multiple users on the same content, regardless of their location.
For fast-moving workflows, such as news production, sequences can even be played out directly to video servers via SDI, NDI, SMPTE 2110/2022-6 without the need for rendering or file movement.
Official launch with live demos at IBC 2024

"The launch of our Web Render Engine marks a milestone in news production. This groundbreaking technology will increase efficiency and enable media professionals to create content faster and more flexibly. We look forward to presenting and demonstrating the future of media production live at IBC." Stefan Eckardt, Head of Portfolio in the Vidispine team.

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