Project 7: Scalable Ultra-Low Latency Streaming for Premium Sports 

Project 7: Scalable Ultra-Low Latency Streaming for Premium Sports 

Project Challenge Proposed by: Comcast 

The aim of the Accelerator Challenge is to achieve Twitter/X-equivalent latency and a near-instant playback start using standard existing HTTP streaming technical stack and infrastructure. The areas explored would be use of low-latency encoding and segment-based ingest, latest low-delay extensions to MPEG DASH, and possible uses of MV-HEVC video codec and the QUIC protocol. The project will be an end-to-end system comprising an encoder, a latency-optimized origin, and a mix of open source and proprietary DASH players. In addition, the innovation would be the achievement of Sub-2s glass-to-glass delay with standard adaptive streaming, which will allow premium sports experiences. Watch Kickstart Pitch HERE.

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